Years as a YMCA member:
When you hear the word “YMCA”, what immediately comes to your mind about what a YMCA does or what a YMCA is all about?
Are you greeted by a staff member when you visit the Titusville YMCA? Always
Do you feel that YMCA staff are readily available for questions/assistance in all program areas? Always
What do you like about the Titusville YMCA? - Please be specific. Let us know about programs, services, staff, and personal experiences that you view as positive.
What don’t you like about the Titusville YMCA? Please be honest – the only way we can better serve you is if you tell us what we need to do to improve your experience when you visit the Titusville YMCA.
What would you like to see at the new facilities that currently do not exist at our present location?
Would you be available to help in the transition to our new facilities? Yes- Moving
Yes –Packing
Yes – Painting, etc.
No, I am not able to help at this time.
Yes- I can contribute the following trade and/or expertise in:
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions about your YMCA experience that you would like to let us know about?
May we contact you to follow-up with you on your responses in this survey? Yes
If you answered yes, what phone number can you be reached at and what time is best for us to contact you?
Would you like to receive updates on the progress of our new facilities via email? If so, what is your email address?

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 Titusville Pennsylvania YMCA
 Membership Survey



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